Q&A with Naomi, Schools Ministry Associate

Naomi Hammond has served in CRU’s Schools Ministry team as a Schools Ministry Associate for the past three years. Let’s find out how she has grown in her role and why she loves her job.

Why did you apply to the Schools Ministry Associate Program?

After finishing a Diploma at SMBC, I knew I wanted to give my whole life to serving God, but I also recognised that I still needed a lot of training to be an effective worker for the gospel. I applied for the program because it was the perfect mix of hands-on gospel work, training in the Bible and theology, as well as ministry-specific training. The role was perfect for a young person like me who didn’t have any experience but still knew ministry was what I wanted to do.

What have been some highlights?

I absolutely love my job. Being able to teach students about Jesus whilst also being trained up by faithful gospel workers at CRU is amazing.

I’ve had a lot of great opportunities to share Jesus with students over the past three years, but one of the big highlights happened last year. I had the opportunity to give three talks from the book of Ruth at the St Paul’s Grammar School CRU weekend away. Writing a series of talks was a great learning opportunity, and spending three days with the St Paul’s CRU Group was a really valuable time. This year, I was fortunate enough to visit the St Paul’s chapel and CRU Group and reconnect with the students. It was so encouraging to see these young students living for Jesus in their schools.

How have you grown these last few years?

The program offers so much training and mentorship – I’ve been able to develop in my talkwriting and preaching, up-front leadership, and camp ministry skills. But the biggest growth I have seen in myself is my reliance on God. Being in a ministry role, you quickly learn that you are incapable of a lot of things. You cannot change hearts and nothing you say will ever make someone become a Christian. But God graciously chooses to work through our inability and He changes hearts. You simply must trust in God to work through you.

Why should someone consider the program?

It is an incredible opportunity to receive amazing training and teaching while doing hands-on ministry. As Christians, we are all called to share the good news of Christ, and school students around Sydney desperately need this hope of the gospel. This program allows you to do frontline ministry and be part of God’s amazing plan to save people.

How has the program encouraged you to have an enduring hope in Christ?

In ministry, you don’t often get to see the fruit of your labour, but I have been challenged to have an enduring hope in Christ and His work. It’s Christ’s work alone that endures. Our few years here on earth can feel futile and fleeting, but our labour in Christ is not in vain – He gives a hope that endures for eternity.

Find out more and apply to the Schools Ministry Associate Program at cru.edu.au/sma

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