History of the Crusader Union of Australia | CRU — CRU

Founded in 1930 by Dr the Reverend Howard Guinness, a visionary man who was keen to strengthen Christian work among school students, the Crusader Union of Australia has a rich history. From small beginnings, CRU has now grown to serve over 220 Independent schools in NSW, the ACT and WA, reaching over 2,500 students each week with the gospel.

Below is the inspiring journey through significant events in CRU’s history.


  • In 1930, Dr Guinness arrived in Australia under the invitation of J. B. Nicholson to develop ministry within universities and schools.

  • Crusaders (now referred to as CRU) was established in NSW, VIC, QLD and SA adopting the motto ‘Witness unto me’, from Acts 1:8.

  • School CRU Groups began at Shore, Sydney Grammar, Trinity Grammar, SCEGGS Darlinghurst, PLC Pymble, Abbotsleigh and Wenona.

  • Saturday Night Meetings (SNM) began, providing a place of fellowship for young believers. They ran until 1992, with the Strathfield SNM being the last to close.

  • The first CRU Camp was held during Easter 1930.

  • In 1934, the Crusader Union was established in Perth.

  • In 1939, the Crusader Women’s Fellowship began meeting in Roseville Park to support and pray for CRU’s ministry. It is still meeting today.


  • The Senior Crusader Fellowship was formed.

  • Dr Leslie Parr donated land for a CRU campsite at Lake Macquarie. 


  • Dr Paul White (the ‘Jungle Doctor’) mortgaged his home to buy land for £600 for a campsite at Galston Gorge

  • In 1955, Crusaders merged with Scripture Union in all states except NSW.

  • In 1957 a large hall was erected at the Lake Macquarie campsite and the following year the first Senior Easter Conference was held with the aim of training young Christians in leadership. These conferences ran until the 1980s.    


  • Construction at the Galston Gorge campsite began and a dedication service was held at the site upon completion. Read the ‘Beginnings at Galston’ article by Stuart Braga.

  • Crusaders became a Registered Company Limited by Guarantee to meet legal requirements.

  • In 1964, the first Study Camps were run for Year 12 students.

  • In 1966, the water supply was connected at the Galston Gorge campsite.

  • During 1968 and 1969 the first co-ed camps were run. Five camps were held involving 171 campers and 49 leaders.

  • In 1968 the campsite at Colo was purchased, with the first camp held in 1969. This site was sold in the mid-1980s.


  • Ten ‘timber tents’ were erected by work parties at the CRU Lake Mac campsite.

  • Cabins and toilet blocks were constructed at the CRU Galston Gorge campsite, providing accommodation for over 90 people.

  • The first mini bike camp was held, and following its success 4 more were run the following year.


  • ‘Vision of Eagles’ was written by Joy Parker to mark the 50th anniversary of CRU.

  • Family Easter Conference began.

  • In 1988, the CRU office moved from the city to Strathfield.

  • In 1988, the Summit Educational Camps division was founded (now called CRU Educational Camps) with 8 camps running in its first year and 30 in its second.


  • On 23 May 1990, the Crusader Union of NSW became the Crusader Union of Australia

  • The Ian Holt Memorial Fellowship Scheme began to provide training in full-time camping ministry and two ‘Fellows’ were employed in the Summit division.

  • A lack of camper numbers threatened the closure of the Holiday Camps program.

  • In August 1991, CRU held its first Teachers’ & Chaplains’ in-service day for 34 teachers at the Galston Gorge campsite.

  • CRU Educational Camps ran its 100th school camp, while 68 CRU Groups met regularly in schools across NSW.

  • In 1993, the CRU office moved from Strathfield to Eastwood.

  • In 1997, the Crusader ‘eagle’ logo was introduced.

  • In 1998, $34,000 was raised for CRU through the ‘Pylon Plunge’ abseil off the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Two subsequent Pylon Plunges were held in 2001 and 2003.

  • In November 1998, the first Crusader Union of Australia website was launched. 


  • Registered Training Organisation (RTO) status was achieved and a Training Division established.

  • The Galston Gorge campsite was used by SOCOG during the Olympic Games to house drivers and staff from the Olympic Roads & Traffic Authority.

  • In 2002, the inaugural ‘Crusader Business Luncheon’ was held at NSW Parliament House.

  • A major fundraising campaign commenced in 2002 to raise funds for the upgrade of the Galston Gorge and Lake Macquarie campsites.

  • The success of CRU Educational Camps was celebrated when the 50,000th school student attended a camp and heard the gospel.

  • In 2003, major renovations at the Galston Gorge campsite began.

  • Schools Ministry expanded to develop resources for use in school lunchtime CRU Groups.

  • In 2005, CRU celebrated its 75th birthday with a thanksgiving service and afternoon tea at Epping Baptist Church.

  • In 2008, the first Directors’ Weekend was held to train and support CRU Holiday Camp directors.

2010 - present

  • The redevelopment of the new kitchen and dining hall at Galston was completed in 2010.

  • Schools Ministry expanded into the ACT.

  • In 2015, a group of chaplains, teachers, parents, ministers and churches established the work of CRU in Perth, and later that year CRU West ran their first camp.

  • In 2015, CRU acquired 100 acres on the eastern side of Yarrawonga Park Road at Balcolyn.

  • In 2017, CRU West added their first part time staff member to help support the work in schools and holiday camps.

  • In 2019, the new ‘CRU’ logo was introduced.

  • On 20 August 2020, an online Dedication and Opening Event was held for the newly-renovated CRU Lake Mac Camp & Conference Centre campsite.