At CRU, our Schools Ministry team is passionate about supporting and encouraging teachers and chaplains who are involved in Christian ministry in 223 Independent schools across NSW, the ACT and WA. We do this through prayer support, school visits, training days and conferences.
Our theologically trained CRU Schools Ministry staff have also created plenty of resources to help teachers and students lead Bible-centred CRU Groups. To access CRU’s resources for both primary and secondary students, head to our resources page.
Prayer support
We believe that prayer is essential to Christian ministry and we seek God’s guidance in the task of sharing Jesus with the next generation. CRU staff pray regularly for the ministry in our schools and for the teachers, chaplains and students. In addition, we organise prayer meetings for CRU staff and the wider CRU community to pray for schools. In October each year, CRU has a week of prayer which provides an opportunity to prioritise prayer during the busyness of school life and come to gather together and pray.
For more information, email
Teacher training days
One way CRU’s Schools Ministry team seeks to support teachers and chaplains is through professional development days. The Teacher Training Days are designed to not only provide resources and training but to give teachers the opportunity to connect, share ideas, encourage one another and pray together.
CRU Teachers’ Conference
Every two years, we run the CRU Teachers’ Conference which provides a wonderful opportunity for teachers and chaplains from all over Australia to come together and be encouraged with new ideas to grow ministry in their schools. You’ll hear from excellent speakers, be able to share ideas in collaborative think tanks and be motivated through practical and interactive workshops. And there’ll be plenty of opportunities to connect and network throughout the day and hear about what’s happening in CRU Groups at other schools. You’ll come away refreshed with lots of new ideas to take back to use in your CRU Groups or chapel talks.
Head here to find out more:
“I took a lot away from the Teachers’ Conference and my CRU Group has grown as I have begun investing more into the Year 6 leaders. I left the day very inspired.
Talks from past Teachers & Chaplains Days
Session 1: Mal Gill – Colossians 1:3-14
Session 2: Michael Kellahan - The Future of Freedom for Christian Faiths in our Schools
To help busy teachers (and students!) run their CRU lunchtime groups, our CRU Schools Ministry team have put together a range of fun and engaging resources. Each series is designed to run over a term and includes 8 to 9 Bible-based studies including a specific week where students are encouraged to ask friends along to hear the gospel. Each lesson is designed to run for 30 minutes and is available in either hard copy or as a digital version.
All our primary school student resources and secondary school student resources can be ordered online through our online store. CRU has also put together extra material including articles, songs, talks and activities to accompany each resource.