Where is courage found? At a time when young Australians increasingly report feelings of hopelessness and fear about the future, where can they gain the courage to face what lies ahead?
Serving God together in community
Let's hear from our CRU Camp leaders
Over the summer break, 431 wonderful CRU Camp leaders ran 27 activity camps, day camps and study O camps for nearly 1,300 campers. Every season, we thank God for His provision of faithful volunteers who dedicate time and energy to serve Him on camps. Let’s hear from a few who served in different roles, but were equally encouraged by how God worked through their particular summer camp.
God's powerful work in schools from coast to coast
Every week, we hear encouraging stories of how God is working through schools and in the lives of students across Australia, both on the east coast and through the ministry of CRU West in WA. CRU Groups have growing attendance, new lunchtime groups are starting up, and opportunities for providing Schools Ministry support to teachers and chaplains often exceed what our teams can offer. Praise God!