From Gary's Desk

One of the first articles I wrote when I became CRU’s Executive Director in 1993 was about the importance of Bible literacy for all, but especially for CRU’s leaders. Today, as I pen one of the last articles I will write in this role, I need to make the same point: reading the Bible is crucial.

Yet research by OneHope indicates that 47% of Australian Christian teenagers never read the Bible for themselves — 47% of Christian kids!1 Many students we meet, whether at school or on camps, lack personal experience with Scripture.

The Bible is powerful, as God has revealed himself to us and made clear how we need to respond. It is God’s very word (II Tim 3:16-17) and carries great impact as the Holy Spirit stirs us to understand and apply it. I’m often amazed by the fresh gems a familiar passage can provide.

Recently I was reading Daniel. His steadfastness when faced by a hostile culture is inspiring. Most significant of course is the faithfulness of God which is revealed — greater than the greatest earthly king, worthy of all “authority, glory and sovereign power” (7:14).

“The Bible is powerful, as God has revealed himself to us and made clear how we need to respond.”

Yet I found myself noticing for the first time a verse which I’d previously skimmed past. Daniel 1:2 says “And the Lord delivered Jehoiakim king of Judah into (Nebuchadnezzar’s) hand, along with some of the articles from the temple of God. These he carried off to the temple of his god in Babylon and put in the treasure house of his god.”

Do you see what has happened here? This isn’t just about Daniel being taken into captivity. Focus on God. Out of his abiding love for his people, God is willing to lower himself to be taunted by idol worshippers. We are reminded of a characteristic of God — the One who is above all humbles himself to serve. It points to Jesus (Phil 2: 6-11). 

This is a message our school students need to hear! I’m grateful for your prayers and support which enables us to reach so many school students each year.

And yes, in case you missed it in the first paragraph, it will soon be time for me to move on from my role so that a new CEO can step in and lead CRU forward. I plan to finish up in December 2025.

I’m so thankful for the opportunity I’ve had to be part of CRU’s ministry and look forward to continuing to support from the sidelines. Thanks for all your prayers and encouragement over the years! God is good!